Trademark Archives - Page 2 of 14 - Drishti Law
How To File For Trademark Registration In Chicago?

How To File For Trademark Registration In Chicago?

When starting a business, the first concern any businessperson should ideally have is its security. Safeguarding your business is imperative as the market is rife with infringers who are waiting for a chance to hijack any and every new idea coming up in the market....
Can You Trademark A Scent?

Can You Trademark A Scent?

When we hear the term trademark, we associate it with visual symbols like slogans, logos, colours, and even sounds. However, have you ever considered that this list can also include ‘scent’ i.e., you can also trademark a scent? While it may sound absurd,...
How To Protect Your Brand From Counterfeit Goods?

How To Protect Your Brand From Counterfeit Goods?

The fierce competition and influx of technology have eased the process of goods production and distribution. However, it has also increased the risk of malpractice. The major risk comes from the counterfeit goods which not only devalue your brand but also pose a...